Thursday, 12 November 2020

Clothing Psychology

Recently one of my acquaintance Bhushitha Ji wrote and published a book called "Open your wardrobe for answers".

I was curious to read it and asked her for an autographed copy. She sent right away.

It reached to my home just in two days.

It is a very sleeky and cute book. I completed it on the same day in two hours.

After reading that book, I just wanted to share my views on it.

Before reading the book, I never knew that there is a word called "clothing psychology" and used to treat clothes as just a covering for my body.

I read about the significance of colours and their energies in the past.

Learnings from the book:

It takes only 3 seconds to form a first impression.

Selecting the clothes, that is appropriate to the events.

Learnt that we should choose our dress according to our personality traits.

Choosing the right colour according to the day of the week.

Uniform makes the pupils concentrate more on productivity.

While reading this, I Remembered the example of steve jobs, he used to wear only one plain colour T-shirt every day.

So, he doesn't have to waste any time in selecting his dress.

There are some tips to organise our wardrobe.

And many more.

I encourage you to give a read of this book.

I can say only one thing.

This book changes your approach to clothing.

What good books did you read recently?

Comment down and let me know


Monday, 30 January 2017

Superkids chess academy,nurturing the future champions

As a chess lover and as a aspiring chess grandmaster, I always need chess practice hours together.
I wished that there should a club for chess,where chess players can meet and practice for hours.
I searched in the hyderabad  and eagerly waited for the academy who could arrange atleast two day practice session per week.But no academy has come front to do this.

I have lost patience and went for tournaments spent hundreds and thousands of rupees just for practice.After one tournament,I had to wait for weeks to play another tournament.I had deeply regretted that my game is not developing.How can it develop inspite of practice.

I heard that one of my friend from other city has a evening club where chess players can play for two to three hours.I wished atleast one club of that type should be there in hyderabad too.

I tried coaching too,just for practice.After all coaching means few tricks and more practice.I quited coaching as I found it is too expensive because we have to pay them by the hours.

I used to go to tournaments in other cities just for practice.

One fine day,I called my chess friend Mahender and  invited him to my room to practice and he accepted the invite.After few days,Mahender called me saying the there is a academy which provides  chess practice in Ramnagar,hyderabad.

I rushed to them immediately and found an amazing academy called Superkids chess academy.

The founder of Superkids chess academy is so kind enough to start this innovative practice session called Any time chess.

Features of Any time chess:

  • Pay per game(blitz free,rapid 10rs,classic 30rs)
  • Selection of opponent.
  • Refund for winner.
  • Prizes daily for blitz and weekly for rapid and classic.
  • Live streaming of classic games.
  • Individual account for payment transactions and games archive.
  • Leaderboard view in monitors and in website.

I am very happy for this service as I am developing my game with almost zero cost(as I am getting refunds and prizes).

I would recommend aspiring chess champions to use this opportunity ,New branch is opened in Moula ali.They are planning to extend this service in every locality as much as possible.

I personally wish superkids chess academy should be in every town and city of India.

For more details

Friday, 31 July 2015

How to notate chess moves?

chess Notation

Noting chess moves is called chess notation.In order to notate the chess moves ,you will need to understand the following concepts,that how is it written.

Let's get started,

Position of chess board:We have to place the chess board such that each player has a white square in his right most side.
Incorrect way 

correct way
First of all you all need to know that every square in the chess board has a name.The Vertical lines are called Files,they are represented with a,b,c,d,e,f,g and h.And the horizontal lines are called Ranks,they are represented with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8.

So every square has a denotion.Like a1,a2,....,a8;
b1,b2,....,b8; so on up to h1,h2,....,h8.The diagonals are called the diagonals itself(for a1-h8 diagonal,d1-h4 diagonal etc)

Before we start the game each player(White and Black) has the following pieces or powers in their board as shown in the fig below,one King each,one Queen each,Two Rooks each,Two Knights each,Two Bishops each and 8 pawns each.

Board and Pieces arrangement:
The white pieces should be placed such that it should occupy the 1st and 2nd Ranks and Black pieces should be placed in 7th and 8th Ranks.

White is taken as a reference for the notation symbols of files and ranks.
initial position White's point of view(Imagine that white player has sat on bottom side)
Initial positon,Black's point of view.(Imagine that white player has sat on bottom side)

 Here observe that from black's point of view the file names on the bottom is reverse that is h,g,f,e,d,c,b,and a.And observe the Rank names also.

Symbols of powers/pieces:

King:  K

Queen: Q
Rook:  R
Knight:  N ( as already K is referred as king)
Bishop: B
Pawn: P (no need of indicating the pawn's symbol in the notation,just we have to write the square name where it is moved.)

Game Notation(Noting the moves):

White should start the game with his first move,and black plays after that ...white's move and black's move together called  one move.

If in the first move the suppose White moves knight in the g1 to f3.It is denoted as 1.Nf3...because "N" for Knight moved to f3 square and it is the first move.
If now black pawn in the d7 moves to d5 square,it is simply denoted as d5 itself(no need of symbol for pawn).

sample chess moves

1. e4 e5 
2. Nf3 Nc6 
3. Bc4 Nf6 
4. Ng5 h6 
5. Nxf7 ...

Capturing/killing the pieces in chess: 
symbol of capture is 'x'.
 suppose we have the following position as fig below...
game position1

Now if in the 5th move,white captures the pawn in f7 with his knight,we have notate as 5.Nxf7.(some books simply write it as 5.Nf7 also)
game position2
Note:Enpassant is also a type of capture ,so same rules apply for notation of enpass.

symbol of check is '+'.

If in the fifth move from game position 1,white  captures the pawn in f7 with Bishop,that is a check.
game position 3
so we should notate as 5.Bxf7+

symbol for king side castling:O-O

king side castling(sample game position)

symbol for Queen side castling:O-O-O

Queen side castling(sample game postion)

Pawn Promotion:
symbol: "=Q"  or "=R" or "=N" or "=B"
Let us consider the game position as follows:

white to play here,if  white plays the pawn from c7 to c8,white has choice of choosing any piece(Rook or Knight or Bishop or Queen) as promotion as the pawn  reached its highest rank.If the pawn promotes to Queen he should write as c8=Q.suppose he promotes the pawn to Rook ,he should write as c8=R etc.

Notation for same file or same rank pieces having equal chances to go to the same square:

suppose if there is a chance of moving two identical pieces to the same square,we have to notate in the following manner:

If both the identical pieces are in the same Rank and in the different Files,we should write the File name after the piece symbol.Consider the following example:
In the above diagram position,both Rooks have equal chances of putting a check to the king.If Rook in "a" File moves to e5 and puts the check ,we should notate this move as Rae5+.Similarly for "g" Rook we should write it as Rge5+.
(note:we should mention the File name if both the pieces are in the same Rank)

If both the pieces are in the same File and in the different Ranks,we should mention the Rank name here.
If Rook in the 2nd Rank moves to a5 ,it should be written as R2a5+,similarly for other rook it is written as

Important Symbols:
O-O        King side Castling or Short Castling
O-O-O   Queen side Castling or Long Castling
+           Check
++         Double Check
#           Checkmate

Symbols used for annotating and analysing games:
!    good move
!!   excellent move
?    bad move
??   blunder
!?    Interesting move
?!    Dubious move

=       Equal position
+/=    Slight advantage for White
-/=     Slight advantage for  Black
+/-     Decissive advantage for White
-/+     Decissive advantage for Black

Notating the Result of the game:
1-0   white won
0-1   Black won
1/2-1/2 or 0.5-0.5  Draw

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Society Now a days

Now a days...
we frown more than we smile...
we breathe more Carbon monoxide than oxygen...
we travel more than we work/study...
we eat more junk food than healthy food...
we hear more noise than music...
we don't run/jog in the morning,but we run to board bus/mmts...
we talk/walk/smile/give expecting something...
we enjoy playing video games rather than live physical games...
we nap more than we sleep...
we follow more facebook than text book...
we talk/chat more virtually(using phone/net) than really...
we are too busy to attend our parents calls...
we watch screens(mobile,pc,tv,movie)more than people's eyes/faces...
we like/salute to helping guys in fb/other social network sites but in reality we don't even care if a person is bleeding on a road...
many of us stand in line for booking/collecitng booked tickets for a movie but most of us did'nt even go for casting their vote...
we see stars and moon only in movies/serials...
many of us depend more on tiffin centres,curry points,pizza points,biryani houses,bakeries than homely(healthy) food...
we are mimicking foreigners in their style but we are not learning from their hardwork…
we complain more than finding a solution…
where are we going???

sleep in time and wake in time,
use less technology and BE MORE HUMAN,
read more printed books than ebooks(it is good for eyes),
Calculate without using calculators…
run/jog/walk daily,
play physical games more than virtual games,
Help needy
Use ur vote
Listen to ur fav music
Watch good films
Be positive always…
Hope our Nation’s culture is being preserved and followed…

Yours truly,